Rubedo Press

Rubedo Press | Hereward Tilton

Hereward Tilton (BA Hons. I, PhD, FHEA) is a specialist in the history of European gnostic traditions and the psychology of the unconscious. He has taught on Rosicrucianism, magic and alchemy in the Renaissance and early modern periods at various universities in Europe, and has published pioneering research on the origins and magical practices of the Gold- und Rosenkreuz order, the alchemical production of entheogens, and the occultist elements of Carl Gustav Jung’s Red Book. Rejecting the academy as a sink of profound darkness and corruption, he has returned to the practical spiritual path of his youth in the hope of integrating his historical research with the techniques of an introspective science. The principal inspiration for this return to praxis has been Carl Gustav Jung’s active imagination and its magical antecedents, in particular the magia Metatrona of Rosicrucian tradition.


Hereward Tilton, PhD

Hereward Tilton (BA Hons. I, PhD, FHEA) is a specialist in the history of European gnostic traditions and the psychology of the unconscious. He has taught on Rosicrucianism, magic and alchemy in the Renaissance and early modern periods at various universities in Europe, and has published pioneering research on the origins and magical practices of the Gold- und Rosenkreuz order, the alchemical production of entheogens, and the occultist elements of Carl Gustav Jung’s Red Book. Rejecting the academy as a sink of profound darkness and corruption, he has returned to the practical spiritual path of his youth in the hope of integrating his historical research with the techniques of an introspective science. The principal inspiration for this return to praxis has been Carl Gustav Jung’s active imagination and its magical antecedents, in particular the magia Metatrona of Rosicrucian tradition.

Hereward Tilton is the author of The Path of the Serpent, Volume One: Psychedelics and the Neuropsychology of Gnosis.