Sabrina Dalla VAlle, MFA
Sabrina Dalla Valle, MFA was born just before winter, and just after midnight on a Pacific Ocean coastline. She received her undergraduate degree in Linguistic Anthropology from Reed College and her MFA in Writing and Consciousness from New College of California. Her greatest interest is in the poetic imagination as an aspect of both phenomenological perception and authentic integral expression. Her experimental writing and academic research aim to explore the ‘arational’, what is understood as ‘living thinking’ free from both irrational faith and rational certitude. Sabrina lives in Los Angeles, California where she teaches writing and consciousness studies. She is the author of the award winning 7 Days and Nights in the Desert (Tracing the Origin) (2013, Kelsey Street Press, previously published as a chapbook in 2012 by Mindmade Books, and anthologised in Best Poems of 2012 by Kore Press). Her poetry and book reviews have been published in many journals.